A screening exercise was organized on the Tuesday, 17th of August, 2021 within the Opetekwei electoral area. The exercise commenced at 10:30am and came to and end at 2:30pm. Community members were made to converge at the main bus station with the help of the Assembly member, Hon. Andrews K. Samini.
An intense education on HIV/AIDS was done by some health workers from the Dansoman Polyclinic, a facilitator from Mamprobi Polyclinic, personnel from the Health Directorate and the HIV/AIDS focal person. Community members were cautioned during the education to beware of their sexual practices and advised to use condoms where abstinence was a problem.
The right way of using condoms were also demonstrated to them and each participant was given some for protection. Furthermore, they were advised to be careful of unsterilized objects like blades, shaving stick, shaving machine for the hair among others. After a fruitful time of education and questions and answers, community members took turns to be tested for HIV/AIDS and malaria. BP check was an addition to the testing exercise. Both participants and facilitators were refreshed after the activity.