The Child Health Promotion Week is a week set aside by the GHS to promote child health. As part of the celebration, there are vaccination exercises and talks on the theme in various health facilities in the country.
This year, aside from the vaccination, there will be counselling on nutrition, growth promotion, otherwise known as weighing; promotion of insecticide treated nets and deworming exercises in some areas.
The Ablekuma West Municipal Health Directorate on Friday, May 13 2022 launched its 2022 Child Health Promotion Week celebrations at the Royal MMR Community Hospital at Glefe.
In her remarks, the Municipal Health Director stated that a child's health should be protected as early as the prenatal stage, and that this would necessitate the participation of male partners.
She urged parents to continue prioritizing vaccines and other services, which she said were critical to children's health, as well as to consider using insecticide-treated bed nets to avoid malaria.
A decreased trend in maternal and infant mortality, she noted, supported ongoing health promotion and awareness efforts, such as the annual Child Health Week celebrations.